Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Psalmists and Little Brothers Observe Rubrics of Passion-tide

The Brothers of the Oratory in San Diego together with Psalmists of Chorus Breviarii mark Passion-tide by the singing of the Passion-tide tone for the Compline hymn “Te lucis ante términum”.

To Thee, before the close of day
Creator of the world, we pray
that with Thy wonted favor,
Thou wouldst be our Guard and Keeper now.

From all ill dreams defend our eyes,
from nightly fears and fantasies:
tread under foot our ghostly foe,
that no pollution we may know.

O Father, that we ask be done
through Jesus Christ Thine only Son,
who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee,
shall live and reign æternally. Amen.

~ From the Roman Breviary, translation by J. M. Neale (1818-1866).

The Passion-tide tone is used until the Wednesday of Holy Week (Spy Wednesday), unless the contrary is indicated in the Rubric. Hymn tones vary from liturgical season to season.

Also in the Office of the Time, from the First Sunday of the Passion until Spy Wednesday, the versicle Gloria Patri is not said in the Short Response of Compline, but the Responsory In manus is repeated.

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